Tuesday, February 15, 2011


                    World map:
                                In red is marked Spain.
                               In green is marked Spain.
                              In pink is marked Madrid.  
                            In red is maked arroyomolinos.
Avila, Segovia, Guadalajara, Toledo and Cuenca surrounds Madrid.
Madrid coordinates are 40º 16´ 9´´ N  3º 55´ 12´´ O

 4/5. Navalcarnero(west), Mostoles( North East), Parque Coimbra(North), Moraleja de enmedio(East)and Cotoredondo(South) are the frontiers of Arroyomolinos.

6.Arroyomolinos is mainly made up of hills and the river that passes near Arroyomolinos is the river Guadarrama.
7.Arroyomolinos climate is mediterranean climate.
8.Arroyomolinos is sorruonded by a forest called "El pinar                                                                                                     

9. In Arroyomolinos there are about 10.000 inhabitants and you can reach Arroyomolinos throw the A-5or with a bus with numbers 495,497,498 and 499.
10.Arroyomolinos was founded during the Muslim invasion, later to be reconquered by King Alfonso VI of Castile in the decisive step towards recapturing Toledo (1085). By then, the place was known as Chozas Creek.

Other sources however feel that the town was founded in the year 1400, with the same name, later changing to the present. It was during those same years when Pedro I the Cruel Day gave Gomez de Toledo privileged to repopulate the term Arroyomolinos with 80 inhabitants.

The most representative of the town and witness its historical exception is the Tower of Arroyomolinos (Pan Tower or Castle Arroyomolinos) is located in the same name, on the west side of Madrid. Is in the same town and mantiente a good state of preservation, having been restored in the early twenty-first century. It was built between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, as a lordly tower.


2. From the park we could see the frontiers  of arroyomolinos, from the north we could see an urbanitation called parque coimbra and  mostoles that from the distance is a big tonw with high buildings and parque coimbra is a very big urbanitation but like a tonw is very small and it doesn't have tall buildings. On the west we could see Navalcarneroonly a little so we only see the tall buildings. In the same part of the view of Navalcarnero, in the foregound we could see the river Guadarama but only a little.

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